Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

I saw this and felt like this summed up my life right now. It also reminds me of 3 precious friends. My small group girls, Jenna and Christine, who light up my life with their wonderful humor and are always a beaming light of beauty. Then the girl that gives me the most wonderful encouragement and was a huge influence in leading me to the Lord, Mel Grace. I love these girls more than words can really express. They bring me laughter, happiness, and a desire to seek the Lord in all aspects of my life. I couldn't ask for more. Free Willy and JoJo forever!

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha. thanks sweet clara. also, i will never be the same after that night. all summer while i was teaching about jonah i couldn't stop thinking, i need crack candy sand...
