little did we know, as wee children, that disney was already corrupting our minds to view the world as they viewed it. now, since lsd wasn't available to children, most of us had to rely on our imaginations to think like the disney imagineers. (<--- this has almost nothing to do with this --->) for some reason i get very reflective when i shower. not that i start to glow or anything, but i start thinking about things that have happened to me in my life. i always think about auburn. there are about 9 bajillion things i forget that happened until something stirs my memory. so, the other morning, as i was showering i remembered this:
I lived on this little road in Auburn called Hampton. It was completely duplexes and the street was just lovely. It was quiet and, lucky for the 6 year old in me, there was a creek that ran behind my house. The creek was connected to the back side of a wonderful park called Town Creek. TC had a sweet running trail, and being cheap and not wanting to join a gym, I ran all the time. There was a huge (to my little legs it was huge) hill that went through a side of a cemetery, then it would loop out to the main road, and circle back into the park. I ran that trail either twice a day or twice in a row, which explains the tendinitis I suffer from now. On the back side of TC, where I typically entered, there was a nice pond. I've had 2 sets of friends gets engaged at this park... I wasn't kidding when I said it was wonderful. On one gorgeous spring day, I was minding my own business and going through my run. Most of the time I forgo listening to music when I run so I can either just take the time to not think, or take the time to enjoy no electronics and it's just me and the gravel getting to know one another. When I fall, the gravel gets to know me too intimately, but that's another story. It was a good thing I didn't have my ipod because I would have never heard my enemy approaching. The pond had a ton of ducks, if the day was right. That day, was the right day. I was almost done, winding back around to the back entrance, closing in on the first bridge when I hear a loud and angry "QUAAAAACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!". I turned to see 3 ducks chasing me down.
I stop jogging and start running. I see two other runners coming towards me and I start yelling, "TURN AROUND!! DUCKS!! EVIL DUCKS!!". They laughed initially, but then after they passed me, I heard them yell and change directions. I was terrified. This didn't go on for just a second, they were on a hot pursuit. They followed me all the way over the bridges and down the road to University. It took me two weeks before I could run in that park again. I was scarred. And the fear hasn't left me. I like ducklings, just like I like kittens, but once they grow up, game over. I pretend to be excited about going to feed them with the kids I babysit, but I try so hard to make sure I don't have to be anywhere near them.
he wants to see if you smell good enough to eat |
nothing about this is cute |
so when i say disney nailed, i mean it. donald duck had a quick temper and was easily pissed off. warner bros. had daffy duck. also an angry and easily aggrivated duck. maybe they were just preparing us for when we were older. lisa frank was trying to make bears and tigers look like your friends, all glittery and covered with flower stickers if you wanted them to be "look kids! tigers and bears love to be sparkly and flowered up! pet them, love them." see how they never brought ducks in? disney was spittin the truth and lisa wasn't going to pretend they were wrong.
fig. 1 |
fig. 2 |
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