This post was to be for yesterday. Today will do though...
I have some of the funniest friends ever. They're witty, incredibly sarcastic, intelligent, and a wee bit ridiculous. These are my boys. I wish I had a picture of all of them to make this process easier, but I'll suffer and make this post crazy long and pictured out!
josh |
This is Josh. I posted
something earlier about him because I was showing off his rad art skillz. Josh, affectionately referred to as Chino/Cheen, is one of the funniest people I know. He is always super happy, and perpetually wants to have fun. I have so many memories with Josh and weird late night adventures that have resulted in, "What just happened?!". He can make a joke out of anything and doesn't know a stranger. Recently, I've had the GREAT privilege of being his arm candy at events that he gets to go to for free (boy's got connections). I love him and you should too.
chris |
The next funny boy on my list is
Chris, aka Kratzer. He is a tech junkie who is a lover of video games and pop culture jokes/references. Chris is one of my most favorite people because I see making him laugh as a challenge. Also, making him upset, but not really upset, is hilarious. He has the greatest reactions to every situation and is always making me laugh (I've got a thing for funny people). He also has a great website that I already linked you to, so hit that junk up! *deep v-er
Travieeeee |
This, ladies, is
Travie. He is super precious, funny, and adorable. Travie is sadly off in Auburn, living the dream/breaking bones. Travis, Kratzer and I have some of the funniest memories together. He's kind of like my daredevil friend. "You haven't done this? LET'S DOO IT!" Not all of our memories are like that, but the ones that I remember best involve something ridiculous going on... a Cheen is typically in there somewhere. Trav is an AMAZING drummer and a lover of the fit. He's just a doll. *deep v-er
Pizzle |
This is JP. Where to start... well JP plays a plethora of instruments. He jams on the bass, the guitar (acoustic or electric), the mandolin, and sometimes a ukulele. He travels to India a lot and loves almost everything obscure. He likes to be unpredictable... I'm not sure how that's working out for him, considering I can't guess his next move (wink wink). Fun fact: we both used to love having long hair. PTL he shaved his off, thus displaying his unpredictable behavior. He loves history and he loves to correct grammar. Also, he loves a practical joke. He's very good at pulling them off too. Beware.
@suth |
Sutherland is my bike riding buddy. He is way smart at everything technological. He has a multitude of
websites and is amazingly talented. He also is a mad skateboarder. I don't understand skateboarding, but when he shows me his injuries, it certainly turns me off from ever trying it. He's silly and he got me to think about how I eat pizza. Tomatino's is our home base for eateries. This past summer, I spent many a morns with him riding bikes through Old Cloverdale and swimming in his pool. OH! He's also an amazing photographer. We used to have FFF, Friday Foto Fanatics, with
Jenna... then we got lazy and Suth deleted his facebook account. All that to say, Sutherland is wonderful and crazy talented.
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